
What are Chemical Peels?

These treatments are medical-grade facials that are more powerful than those available over the counter or in spas. Chemical solutions come in various strengths, and chemical peels are often classified as either a light or superficial peel, medium peel or deep peel. They may include just one product, such as glycolic or salicylic or a combination of solutions.

During the procedure, the product is applied to the affected area (usually over the entire face). The applied agents then work to separate and “peel” the outer surface layers of the skin. These layers often contain dead skin, which is removed during the process. The treatments stimulate the generation of new skin cells through the healing process. During the application, patients may experience a temporary cool, warm or hot sensation.

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What do Chemical Peels treat?

The number and type of treatments varies among individuals. Downtime is often minimal, so there is no interruption in social or work activities.

A variety of chemical peels are available, even for sensitive skin. A thorough evaluation is made by our aesthetician to determine the best treatment for your skin type.

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